Feast of St. Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles
Feast of St. Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles

On Monday July 28, 2014, Holy Trinity Monastery celebrated the feast of St. Vladimir. Archimandrite Luke lead the Vigil with Archpriest Vladimir (Tsurikov) and celebrated the Liturgy with newly ordained Fr. Ephraim Willmarth and Hieromonk Moses.

St. Vladimir the Great, Troparion, Tone IV —

Seated on the high throne of Kiev, the mother of cities saved by God,/ thou didst emulate the merchant who sought the goodly pearl,/ O Vladimir glorious in might,/ and examining and sending emissaries to the Imperial City to learn about the Orthodox Faith,/ thou didst find Christ the priceless Pearl, Who chose thee as a second Paul/ and in the holy font removed thy blindness, spiritual and bodily./ Wherefore, we, thy people, celebrate thy repose./ Pray thou, that Russia, thy land, be saved,// and that peace and great mercy be granted to the Orthodox people.


Feast of St. Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles - 07/28/14

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