Matins for Holy and Great Saturday, commonly known as “The Burial Service,” is served at 2 AM in the monastery, unlike as in parishes, for which this time according to the Church’s typicon, is very impractical. The service starts with the Praises, which are interspersed with verses from the 17th Kathisma of the Psalter. The serving clergy take turns reading the praises while the choir chants the kathisma verses. Later on, the Canon of Holy and Great Saturday is sung and read before the Tomb of the Lord, which is the center of all liturgical activity for the services of Holy Saturday.
After the Canon, Lauds is sung, terminating in the Great Doxology. At the end of this, Vladyka censes the Tomb three times, and the shroud is carried in procession around the church, back up to the icon screen and then back on to the tomb. This is followed by the famous reading from the Book of Ezekiel, regarding the bones of the righteous being resurrected, as foreseen by the prophet. This is chanted in an ancient chant for reading in church. Then comes the Prokeimenon for the Epistle and Gospel readings, during which the lights are turned on in church, thus liturgically first announcing the Resurrection of Christ.