Visitation of the Hawaiian Myrrh-Streaming Icon

Our Russian Orthodox Church Abroad has been blessed with the appearance of several myrrh-streaming icons in recent years.  Perhaps due to the grave and frightful circumstances that we find ourselves in for a number of years, the Mother of God desired to show us Her love and care for us sinners, to strengthen us to forebear all that is happening and that which might come to pass.

Thus it was with great joy and compunction that we received the visit of the Myrrh-Streaming Icon of Hawaii on Wednesday, September 8th, through the graces of its guardian, Deacon Fr. Nectarios.  His Grace Bishop Luke decided to serve a hierarchal Divine Liturgy on Thursday morning.  Wednesday evening, after Small Compline, he presided at a moleben with Akathist, along with the monastery clergy.  The icon remained in the monastery until the day of the feast of St. Job of Pochaev.  After Liturgy on this day, the icon was taken to all of the rooms of the monastics and seminarians to bless them.  Glory be to God for all things!

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